What began in 2022 with the launch of the book collection “Cuentos de las Islas de Chiloé” —created by local writers and illustrators who were inspired by this archipelago of great natural, cultural and historical wealth— is today a greater commitment to the Isla Grande. Through heritage projects, we seek to recover and enhance the value of the Chiloé churches, a unique example of religious architecture in Latin America and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Partnership with Fundación Iglesias Patrimoniales de Chiloé
Since their construction in the 19th century, the heritage churches of Chiloé have been cared for by communities and key actors in their surroundings. Empowering these groups, providing them with management tools, is what we seek together with Fundación de las Iglesias Patrimoniales de Chiloé, an alliance that allows us to support the churches of San Juan, Dalcahue and Tenaún, all in the commune of Dalcahue.

As part of the joint work and in order to improve safety and prevent possible fires, we also implemented an electrical standardization project for the churches of Colo, in Quemchi; Detif, in Puqueldón; and Caguach, in Quinchao.
Educational family
Because we believe in the irreplaceable power of education as a pillar of development, all of our work areas have educational programs focused on children, youth and adults.