Located in the Loncoche commune, La Araucanía region, this town of 2,300 inhabitants has been, since 2013, a strategic focus for the work of our Foundation.
With the aim of generating comprehensive development opportunities for its inhabitants, the Foundation has implemented a large part of its educational programs for children, youth and adults in the areas of music, reading and the environment.
Likewise, initiatives specially designed for this community have been implemented, aimed at promoting entrepreneurship, healthy living and sports.

Soy Emprendedor Program
Created in 2014, this program aims to teach a set of learning techniques and tools for those who wish to start their own entrepreneurship in the future. It is organized around workshops dedicated to crafts such as wool and crochet crafts, basketry in pita ñocha, gardening and garden management, and other initiatives related to promoting teamwork.

Deporte Educa
This program proposes to relieve and promote healthy life and sports practice in children and young people, promoting respect, teamwork, discipline, and companionship, among other values. It is structured around soccer workshops per age level, mixed basketball, physical conditioning, and a sports workshop.
Educational family
Because we believe in the irreplaceable power of education as a pillar of development, all of our work areas have educational programs focused on children, youth and adults.